The fact of the matter is, ageing is inevitable. Though slowing down the ageing process has been a focus of scientific research for decades and it’s a major issue most of us women somewhat obsess over. Ageing is the deterioration of the body’s physiological functions that are essential for survival and fertility, however through the quest of eternal youth scientists have found varying natural substances that obtain anti-ageing properties, many of which can be taken as supplements to help decelerate the process, and essentially prevent age-related diseases.
Here are some of our favourite supplements that aid towards our vitality, mental health, digestion, joints and skin…
The main compound found in turmeric; curcumin has been shown to slow down the aging process by activating certain proteins and protecting cells against damage. It possesses potent antioxidant potential that combats, which occurs as we continue to age. Cellular senescence means cells stop dividing as we continue to age which leads to ageing acceleration and disease progression.
Adding curcumin supplements such as Solgar Fast Absorbtion Curcumin Softgels £28.99 can help promote longevity and reduce age-related mental decline in adults.
Believe it or not, green tea intake has been linked to a reduced risk of all-cause mortality – it’s the EGCG compound found in green tea that improves mitochondrial function, promoting autophagy, which is the body’s way of regenerating newer, healthier cells. EGCG protects against age-related disease development and reduces the risk of certain cancers and heart disease. It’s a powerful compound that reduces inflammation and aids weight loss with studies showing it can also protect against skin aging and wrinkles caused by ultraviolet rays. You can either take ECGC in liquid form by drinking green tea or taking concentrated supplements like Vitabiotics Ultra Green Tea Extract, £5.95.
Known as the fountain of youth for it’s potential to reduce the appearance of skin-ageing, collagen is an integral component of our skin to maintain its structure. Our bodies produce an abundance of collagen when we’re young and as we age, the production slows down and begins to decline at about age 25 and decreases even more in women after menopause. Collagen also decreases with other factors such as smoking, sugar and ultraviolet rays; some research suggests however that collagen supplements may reduce signs of fine lines and wrinkles. Try making Vital Proteins, Collagen Latte Blueberry Moon Milk, £34.79 on an evening, gluten and dairy free powders contain 10g of bone broth collagen, melatonin and magnesium for additional relaxation.
Coenzyme Q10 is a nutrient that occurs naturally in the body and is also found in many foods we eat. Acting as an antioxidant, CoQ10 protects the body against cell damage, increases the metabolism and fights against oxidative stress and inflammation. However as we age, CoQ10 production decreases so it’s a great supplement to take as studies have shown it prevents age-related symptoms and diseases. It’s suggested to take CoQ10 supplements in the morning or afternoon as it may cause insomnia in some people when taken close to bedtime. Try Healthspan Coenzyme Q10 capsules, £19.99 with added vitamin B1 which boost energy metabolism and support a healthy heart.