Selfcare, Health & Wellbeing

A great Caesar salad is all about the dressing. Squeamish about raw egg yolks and anchovies? Then sorry this recipe aint’ for you – yolks are what give richness to the dressing and the anchovies provide a nice salty kick.  Try creating this salad at home which we swear by, and trust us, it will quickly become your fave go to meal!


  • 3 anchovies + 2 to serve
  • 1 whole egg
  • 100ml extra virgin olive oil
  • Shaved Parmesan
  • ½ tsp Dijon mustard
  • Splash of Worcester sauce
  • Squeeze of half lemon
  • Large clove of garlic
  • Romaine lettuce
  • Sourdough loaf


  1. Blend together all the ingredients in a blitzer to make the dressing.
  2. Cut 2 large romaine lettuces in half, drizzle with olive oil and grill on a high griddle pan for 5 minutes each side until charred.
  3. Make the croutons by ripping up dry sourdough bread into chunky pieces, sprinkle with sea salt and oil and roast in the oven for 15-20mins till golden and crunchy.
  4. Assemble all together on a large serving platter and finish with a few anchovies and shavings of parmesan. Drizzle the dressing and remaining anchovies and serve immediately!
Selfcare, Health & Wellbeing